Smokefree submission 24 August 2022 Final cover

Submission: Smokefree Environments and Regulated Products (Smoked Tobacco) Amendment Bill

This submission on the Smokefree Environments and Regulated Products (Smoked Tobacco) Amendment Bill is made by the New Zealand Initiative and the Reason Foundation, a non-profit U.S.-based think-tank. The Reason Foundation’s nonpartisan public policy research promotes choice, competition, and a dynamic market economy as the foundation for human dignity and progress. Read more

Dr Eric Crampton
Guy Bentley
24 August, 2022
Cover Submission on the Emissions Reduction Plan

Submission: The Emission Reduction Plan

This submission in response to the Emissions Reduction Plan supports the Zero Carbon Act’s goal of attaining net zero by 2050. We urge a greater focus on the Emissions Trading Scheme, enabling carbon prices to do more of the work in getting New Zealand to Net Zero, and avoiding policies that put net zero at risk by forcing higher-cost emission reduction strategies. Read more

Dr Eric Crampton
27 June, 2022
Cover Submission Managing exotic afforestation incentives v2

Submission: Managing exotic afforestation incentives

This submission is in response to the Ministry for the Environment and Ministry for Primary Industry’s Discussion Document Managing exotic afforestation incentives. The Document proposes not awarding carbon credits through the ETS for permanent exotic forestry planting, despite the carbon sequestered in such forests, because of other perceived problems resulting from exotic forestry planting. Read more

Dr Eric Crampton
22 April, 2022
Cover Market study building supplies

Submission: The market study into residential building supplies preliminary issues paper

This submission in response to the Commerce Commission’s (Commission) Residential Building Supplies Market Study Preliminary Issues Paperi is made by The New Zealand Initiative (the Initiative), a think tank supported primarily by major New Zealand businesses. In combination, our members employ more than 150,000 people. Read more

Dr Eric Crampton
4 February, 2022
Cover Issues raised at consultation conference on the Commissions market study into the retail grocery sector v2

Submission: Issues raised at the Consultation Conference on the Commission’s Market study into the retail grocery sector draft report

The Initiative undertakes research that contributes to the development of sound public policies in New Zealand and the creation of a competitive, open and dynamic economy and a free, prosperous, fair and cohesive society. The Initiative’s members include two New Zealand supermarket operators, Woolworths New Zealand and Foodstuffs North Island. Read more

Dr Eric Crampton
19 November, 2021

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