For media inquiries and to request interviews:

Jamuel Enriquez
Marketing and Communications Manager
Phone: +64 4 499 0790 (main line)

List of speaking topics for our staff

Dr Oliver Hartwich: Economy, politics, trade, law, AI, foreign affairs, Europe and Australia.

Dr Eric CramptonDr Crampton is generally available to speak on the wide range of economic policy areas he has covered in reports and columns, and microeconomics more generally.

Roger Partridge: Labour markets, Regulators, Public Service reforms, Competition policy, Covid Royal Commission.

Dr Bryce Wilkinson: Economy, health.

Dr Michael Johnston: Education, free speech, academic freedom.

Nick Clark: Local government policy, environmental policy (including RMA reform), agricultural policy, and economic policy.

Dr James Kierstead: Tertiary institutions, free speech, academic freedom, philosophy, etymology, ideologies.

Max Salmon: MMP, public sector reform, superannuation, GMO.

For general inquiries:

+64 4 499 0790

Level 12,
Bayleys Building
36 Brandon Street
Wellington 6011

PO Box 10147
Wellington 6143


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