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Literacy workshop 145 x 145

Literacy Workshop

The ongoing fall in the literacy capability of New Zealand’s school students and school leavers is a national scandal. New Zealand needs a fresh start for literacy education. Read more

12 May, 2022
Anne Wyllie web 2

Webinar: Why New Zealand needs better Covid testing systems, with Dr Anne Wyllie

Saliva-based PCR tests are an efficient, less intrusive, and accurate alternative to COVID-19 deep nasal swabs. Dr Anne Wyllie, a New Zealand-born researcher at Yale University, led the development of Yale’s SalivaDirect test authorised for use in the USA, and independently validated in Portugal, Mexico, Ireland and the Philippines. Read more

28 September, 2021
Web Bill and Matt v2

Webinar: A new model for disability support

Individualised Funding (“IF”) is a rapidly-growing alternative funding model for disability support. IF gives each recipient control of a personal budget they can use to obtain the support services best suited to their individual needs. Read more

27 August, 2021
Jonathan Haidt feature

Jonathan Haidt | Moral Psychology in an Age of Outrage (Auckland)

In 2012, US psychologist Jonathan Haidt rose to fame with the publication of his book The Righteous Mind: Why Good People are Divided on Politics and Religion. In its review, The New York Times called Haidt’s book “a landmark contribution to humanity’s understanding of itself.” It has since gained widespread praise from commentators left, right and centre (see here). Read more

1 August, 2019
BarbaraOakley feature

Lecture with Professor Barbara Oakley

Professor Barbara Oakley is the co-creator of the world’s most popular online course: Learning How To Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects, which has helped over 2 million people to improve the way they learn new things. In this event she will be discussing the science behind how we learn, and how we can apply this research in the classroom. Read more

1 May, 2019
tomorrows schools feature

Tomorrow's Schools panel discussion

The Faculty of Education at Victoria University of Wellington and the New Zealand Initiative invite you to a moderated discussion involving representatives from the Tomorrow’s Schools Independent Taskforce, academia, schools and boards of trustees. Together we will explore some of the assumptions on which the taskforce has based its findings and some possible consequences of its recommendations, intended and otherwise. Read more

1 April, 2019

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