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Media Release: New Report Warns of Hidden Risks in China's Belt and Road Initiative

Wellington (Wednesday, 1 May 2024) - The New Zealand Initiative's research note highlights the potential pitfalls of China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and its implications for New Zealand's foreign policy independence and infrastructure development. In the report, Belt and Road Initiative: Implications for New Zealand, authors Nick Clark and Dr Oliver Hartwich explore the BRI's origins, objectives, and recent developments. Read more

Dr Oliver Hartwich
1 May, 2024
website greece

The Greek Miracle

Late last year, I taught my final course for Victoria University of Wellington, guiding 19 young Kiwis around Greece for the Classics field trip. The trip offered plenty of food for thought (not to mention food) for anyone interested (and how could you not be?) in the stupendous artistic and intellectual achievements of the ancient Greeks. Read more

Dr James Kierstead
ZB Plus
29 February, 2024

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