Putting a universal basic income to the test
It’s hard not to marvel at Silicon Valley’s technological innovations. But I’m dumbfounded by the social science experiment they’ve been working on. Read more
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It’s hard not to marvel at Silicon Valley’s technological innovations. But I’m dumbfounded by the social science experiment they’ve been working on. Read more
1.1 This submission on the “Consultation on the Scope of the Treasury's Long-term Insights Briefing” is made by The New Zealand Initiative (the Initiative), a Wellington-based think tank supported primarily by major New Zealand businesses. In combination, our members employ more than 150,000 people. Read more
On July 15, Foodstuffs North Island welcomed us to their Auckland headquarters for a high-profile event unveiling GDPLive's latest iteration - the world's first real-time GDP and inflation tracker. Acting Prime Minister Hon David Seymour, Foodstuffs North Island CEO Chris Quin, and Massey University's Professor Christoph Schumacher and Dr Teo Susnjak delivered compelling presentations on the platform's advancements. Read more
“And some things that should not have been forgotten were lost.” Gandalf This week and last week, The Listener ran five articles revisiting New Zealand’s economic reforms from 1984 to 1993. Four of those articles had little good to say about them, or the people who led them with such clarity, courage and determination. Read more
Wellington (Wednesday, 10 July 2024) - The New Zealand Initiative is urging the government to abandon the Fair Digital News Bargaining Bill, warning that the proposed legislation could harm the very news organisations it aims to help. In a new research note, the Initiative argues that the bill, which would require large digital platforms to negotiate payment for news content with New Zealand media companies, is based on flawed premises and risks significant unintended consequences. Read more
Eminent New Zealander, Sir Roger Douglas has renewed his case for radical changes to fiscal policy in the last three weeks. The issues are relevant to Budget 2024. Read more
New Zealand's superannuation scheme is laudable for its universal and simple approach to ensuring dignity for our elders. However, the system's simplicity obscures unfortunate truth – it will punish our younger generations. Read more
If a picture contains a thousand words, this column is going to run well over our normal word limit. But the charts do say a lot, so we’ll let the charts do most of the talking. Read more
Dr Bryce Wilkinson talks to Leah Panapa on The Platform about BUdget 2023. Watch below. Read more
Dr Eric Crampton talks to Sean Plunket on The Platform to break down the 2024 Budget. Watch below. Read more